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Mualani Fully Loaded (Download)

Mualani Fully Loaded (Member's Uncensored Gallery)


  • Base Body Modelled by LewdLad

  • Outfit Edits by LewdLad

  • Outfit Modelling by Parrley

  • Outfit Texturing by Tanuki


The modding scene has added some great new tools from Leo and SinsOfSeven - these guys are essentially now the tool maintainers behind a lot of the community's stuff, after SilentNightSound has taken a step back from active modding (as he's quite busy in his day to day life and there are now highly competent devs working on the tools!)

The most prominent of these tools is XXMI - the general purpose 3DM-Blender exporting tool that gives us a bevvy of new and useful functions!

Probably the one that's coolest and most applicable for you guys is the component export system... essentially it's similar to how it's done with the Wuthering Waves modding tools. It requires a bit of finessing on our side, but ultimately, the point it all is it'll allow us to have a lot more granular toggle options compared to our megatoggles. Potentially thousands to tens of thousands of individual (micro) variants, as opposed to the hundreds from before - all while taking substantially less space.

Having said that... it's still one of the most time consuming type of mods to make for me - the ini programming time means it can take a couple hours or more to code up (plus exporting time and testing/etc time), so it'll only be as frequent as megatoggles previously were!

Anyway, Mualani gets the benefit of been our excellent and willing test subject! She gets to toggle through her accessories, skirts, tops and bottoms. There are also some quality of life quick selects for the outfit. Having said that, I'll be saving her tan/pubic hair toggles for her ultimate version (it'll come with additional parts too)!



Big Parts

  • Press UP to toggle Bikini Top

  • Press DOWN to toggle Bikini Bottoms

  • Press LEFT to toggle Skirt

  • Press RIGHT to toggle Bow Ribbon


  • Press - to toggle Glasses

  • Press = to toggle Hair Bow

  • Press [ to toggle Wristbands

  • Press ] to toggle Glove and Armbands

  • Press ; to toggle Shoes

  • Press ' to toggle Thigh Band

  • Press / to toggle Choker


  • Press Backspace to toggle accessory Set

  • Press < or > to cycle Bikini Set

To get the glow outline color working properly, you'll have to update your ORFix! Grab it from




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