Bride Raiden Lewd Megatoggle (Download) (Patreon)
Bride Raiden Lewd Megatoggle (Member's Uncensored Gallery)
Bride Raiden Lewd Megatoggle (Public Gallery)
Modelled and Textured by LewdLad
Base Bride Outfit ported from HI3 Rita and retextured and remodelled by LewdLad
Bride Raiden returns with her megatoggle form! 2 Different Wedding Outfits, a lingerie set, and the ability to toggle the hair/gloves and stockings on top of it! I've also added an additional crotchless panties to the mix, allowing you to enjoy her fully dressed but lewd at the same time! :D
Press 'Backspace' to reset her outfit
Press '< and >' to cycle between different outfits
Press '6' or 'to toggle her Veil
Press '7' to toggle her hair & hair color.
Press '8' to toggle her Gloves
Press '9' to toggle her Stockings
Press 'Y' to toggle her top
Press 'H' to toggle her dress
Press 'N' to toggle her panties
Note: TexFx 1.05 has some issues which will cause the hair to show white under the wedding veil. Use 1.046 to avoid this issue!
NOTE: TexFx and ORFix both need to be updated to their latest versions following the 4.6 update