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Shortstack - Ellen - Sharkini Multitoggle (Member's Uncensored Gallery)

Shortstack - Ellen - Sharkini Multitoggle (Download)


  • Shortstack modelled and modded

 NOTE: This is a collaborative mod, and as such is made available to complete access tier members, whose extra fees goes towards commissioning mods like this for the patreon!



She's almost perfect! Ellen is an....interesting character with her own set of issues making modding difficult. I gave her a larger bust and hip size with a cute shark tattoo on the back of the leg. Her anklet has a custom design as well.

Thanks for waiting! I managed to finish the NSFW version AND put in toggles for some nice effects!

The swimsuit, inner bra, spiky bangle, necklace thingy, and various other accessories can be toggled.

While personally i believe removing a shark girl's tail is a sin, a request is a request. Ellen was a good learning experience but a lot of fun to make. Let me know your feedback! I hope you all enjoy!

Thanks for waiting!


You can toggle with the ARROW Keys:

  • UP = Swimsuit On/OFF

  • RIGHT = Inner Bra for ON/OFF

  • LEFT = Accessoriese ON/OFF

  • DOWN = Tail ON/OFF


For use with ZZMI by LeoTorrez. Download @ https://gamebanana.com/tools/17467 or https://github.com/leotorrez/ZZ-Model-Importer.

Please refrain from using any other version of ZZMI as it may cause bugs or performance issues.



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