Sons of Calydon Xilonen Megatoggle (Member's Uncensored Gallery) (Patreon)
Sons of Calydon Xilonen Megatoggle (Download)
Modelled and Textured by LewdLad
Additional Modding Assistance provided by Never
Xilonen comes back from her own mini isekai story - she fits in perfectly with the Thirens of New Eridu, and managed to befriend a biker gang calling themselves the 'Sons of Calydon'! Returning to Teyvat bearing the symbols of her new friendship, she replaces her jacket with Caesar's jacket and her hot pants with Lucy's! I'm pretty sure she had spares... or maybe she just didn't need them after the latest Lucy mod.
Whatever the case is, it's our profit, as Xilonen looks smoking hot in her biker gear - this variant comes with a huge range of toggleables, so you can set it up exactly as you like.
Once you're done configuring press F10 to reload and save the outfit to file so that you don't have to set it up again later!
Press UP to toggle Help Menu On/Off
Press Y to toggle Top
Press H to toggle Belt
Press N to toggle Bottom
Press 6 to toggle Jacket
Press 7 to toggle Shoes
Press 8 to toggle Gloves
Press 9 to toggle Wrist Accessories
Press 0 to toggle Ab textures
Update your ORFix to fix outline colors and issues!