Lingsha Lewd Dancer Multitoggle (Uncensored Gallery) (Patreon)
Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad
Additional texturing, coding, design and modelling assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam
It's Never here! Still sick and worse yet, I don't have my good monitor right now so screenshots are sadly of lower quality for the next few days
Anywho Lingsha didn't get as much love as I wish I could've given her during her banner run, so while I have the time I've given her a small upgrade and updated her to our latest mod format!
This multitoggle has her exotic dancer bra as well as pasties for her tops, and an all new pasties set for her crotch! A dancer can't have her juices spilling everywhere while she works after all~
Anyways enjoy the mod and look forward to more! Sharkcat outS
Y - Toggle Skirt (3 variants)
H - Toggle Top (3 variants)
N - Toggle Bottom pasties on/off
F10 to save your current variant