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  • Designed, Modelled & Textured by LewdLad

  • Additional Modelling, Touchups, Coding and Texturing by Never Sharkcat


Heya, it's me, Never!

Your present is here! It's Burnice, tied up in ribbons and waiting to be unwrapped!

Like Sparkle, I think this Christmas outfit really fits her playful vibe! But that's not all; I've added a toggle to remove her weapons! As cool as the flamethrowers are, they're quite clunky and hide a lot of the outfit when she's posing, so I figured a toggle to turn them off would really help the outfit shine!

Anyways, Burnice was 4th place on our ZZZ Christmas poll, and Ellen was 5th but I wanted to take a bit more time to fix Ellen up before releasing her, so Burnice comes first~

Enjoy the mod and look forward to Miyabi soon! Sharkcat out!


  • H - Toggle Weapons on/off



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