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  • Designed, Modelled & Textured by LewdLad

  • Additional Modelling, Touchups, Coding and Texturing by Never Sharkcat


Miyabi's back to end the week with a sexy Golden Bikini, with new hair too, reminiscent of a certain 9-tailed foxy idol~

This series puts her into a sexy bikini that she can remove piece by piece to reveal pasties beneath. But wait, there's more! The pasties can also be toggled to piercings or off entirely!

There's also options to toggle off her collar, jacket and gloves if you'd like her to be purely in her bikini or nude, and you can even switch her back to her original hair color if you so please~


  • 5 - Toggle Hair Color (2 variants)

  • 6 - Toggle Collar on/off

  • 7 - Toggle Gloves on/off

  • Y - Toggle Jacket on/off

  • H - Toggle Bikini Top (3 variants)

  • ALT + H - Toggle Top Pasties/Piercings (3 variants)

  • N - Toggle Bikini Bottoms (3 variants)

  • ALT + N - Toggle Bottom Pasties/Piercings (3 variants)




HOLY this is actually so good, thank you so much for this mr Lad