Jane Succubus Multitoggle V2 (Uncensored Gallery) (Patreon)
Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad
Additional assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam
It's me Never!
I was planning on a Yanagi megatoggle release today but I couldn't work at all for half of yesterday due to a monsoon taking out my internet, but it's more stable now (I think)
Well, since I didn't have as much time, I put together this Succubus Multitoggle, which includes the new exposed top variant + an all new exposed crotch variant to show off her pussy and pubes more! This includes all the previous horns, wings, womb tattoo and weapon toggles, just with the new variants, so I've just called it a 2.0 release!
Look forward to more and enjoy! Sharkcat out!
'6' to Toggle Horns (3 Variants)
'7' to Toggle Womb Tattoo on/off
'8' to Toggle Weapons on/off
'Y' to Toggle Wings (3 Variants)
'H' to Toggle Top (2 variants)
'N' to Toggle Panties (3 variants)