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  • Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad

  • Additional texturing, coding, design and modelling assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam


It's me Never!

Our not-so-little Witch Herta is out on the prowl for new information in the land of dreams, and what better outfit to run around a dreamscape in than a Succubus!

This one puts our lovely genius in a strappy sling bikini, complete with some stockings, gloves and a pair of wings to complete the look!

This is probably one of my favourite Star Rail mods to date just cause of how well it fits, and I hope you all enjoy it too!

I'll be helping LewdLad with Astra Yao soon, along with working on Lingsha and Jade mods, so stay tuned!

Sharkcat out!



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