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I've been playing games for a long time, and horny for most of that time too. Ever since the appearance of characters like Lara Croft in gaming, the desire to see pixelated boobs have only grown.

In the gaming industry, pornographic games do indeed exist - but these tend to be limited to small scale endeavours from indy developers. The simple market reality is as soon as you make it pornographic, or adults only, the ability to monetize your game shrinks dramatically. Because many parts of society continue to view games as a medium for kids, society as a whole continues to frown upon the idea of pornography and nudity for kids, despite the simple reality that the largest group of people playing video games are now into their 30s and 40s! This is a demographic that is growing older!

Additionally, there's so much free pornographic content available on the internet, that monetizing that is also difficult. As a result, the availability of professionally made high quality gaming content that features nudes and lewds is small, maintained by a small cadre of passionate amateurs. Unfortunately, once one acquires the skills to become a professional, one has to move onto the things that pay, which tend to preclude lewd mods and games. Maybe we can change that here? I make a sufficient living outside of this stuff, but I'd love it if I could support myself on some level with it!

Also, while it's something I understand, I've always seen it as hypocritical that society has no problems or qualms about violence in video games (even if out of touch hypocritical politicians often attempt to blame video games for violence as a misdirect from the actual things that cause it), while getting awfully hand wringy about sex in video games. Ultimately, it's all fantasy - which has a huge gulf from reality. But few are willing to risk their social image and credibility on making sensible arguments against conservative sexual attitudes especially for things that are seen as frivolous (like many view video games to be), and so we find billions of dollars spent on violent video games (in both the creation and consumption), while scant few on games that show the other, finer side of life!

So I'm hoping that creators like myself, and patrons can help to fill the canyon of demand in our small ways!


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