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Most of you coming here would have probably arrived through Gamebanana or AGMG (at least initially). If that's the case, you'll already know how to mod and are ok with the risks involved.

But if you've managed to find this page through other parts of the internet - yes full fledged Genshin visual modding has been available for a few months now.

So far no one has been banned for doing so - many of the users play on the live servers to get access to all their characters and full access to in game quests and activities (not possible on private servers).

However, modding is not a zero-risk activity. We can't say for certain that Hoyoverse won't turn around and retroactively ban all mod users after collecting usage data for months. If you cannot take any degree of risk with your account, then I simply suggest make a new account for modding, learn how to use the private servers (and find access to one - making one is much harder still), or don't mod at all.

For the most part, visual modding via 3Dmigoto (the tool that we use to enable mods in Genshin) does not interfere with gameplay data - at most it intercepts calls for visual information in memory and then injects it with the mod files/data. This means it doesn't send/receive any altered information to and from the server, meaning its detectability should be very low.

For many of us - the prevailing sentiment is simple - modding gives the game fresh blood and makes it fun again to play. Without it, we'd be doing something else, playing some other game. In which case, our accounts would be pretty valueless. 

So in that sense, it's less of a risk and more of an obligation and requirement! If that's the case for you as well, welcome onboard!

As for how to do it - the community has prepared plenty of guides on the subject matter. 

Game mods can be found on Gamebanana.


The modding tool to enable it can be found here:



If you're just looking to use mods and not develop/make them - just unzip the 'play' file and use that. Mods go into the mod directory in that play folder. You'll have to run as administrator 

You can also find the friendly modding community on Discord.


I can be found there as well as LewdLad#7412. I often stream there while doing the modelling work if you're curious on the process!


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