EDIT: Thanks for the votes everyone! I've decided to close the poll early - we've had 45 out of a possible 55 or so voters enter, and at this point, the leads for each category are decisive, so I don't think leaving it open for another 9 days will change much.
The version of Yelan I'll be working on, as decided by you guys will be as follows:
Yelan in Bunny Girl outfit. Appropriate given its year of the rabbit!
Big Tits - Generally around the size of the Full Cake Lumine to Cyberpunk Raiden Shogun.
Defined Abs - for the most part the girls have had a little definition to the abs, but they've all been the same - Yelan will have a bit more editing in the abs area to create a stronger look.
Thicc Thighs and Ass - will likely be between the thickness of Raiden and Yae.
Regular Nipples - just the standard size nipples I've been using on my models; similar to Full Cake Lumine.
Long Labia Minora - similar to Yae where you can see it protruding!
Puffy Labia Majora - she'll have thicker puffier outside lips too, more juicy and delicious looking!
Will also be including a variety of accessories and insertions. Comment below for ideas on what you'd like to see in there!
So her banner is coming up in 3.4, and I've decided to work on soon. I want to let you guys help drive the direction for what that'll look like by helping me choose the style of costume. Also feel free to propose some yourself, and bring reference pics!
Depending on the costume, I can afford more time to do interesting accessories/options. Also let me know about the body detail preferences!
I'll take the top votes from each category. Like other banner mods, I'll be making the costume in pieces so they can be toggled on and off - including the original costume if that's picked (I'll have to recreate the parts that are missing/hidden to allow for this ability).
(images not mine - just visual reference)
Classy Dress
Bunny Girl
Skimpy Version of her outfit
Skimpy Dress