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Edit: Added a second version where she's spreading herself after a cream pie. ;)

Before I did Genshin modding, I was messing around with some Genshin characters I managed to get hold of. I developed Jean the most, and without the ability to do lewds for them in game (this was around the time that Genshin had launched, and before 3DM modding was a thing - during the dark ages where people were replacing files for modding and getting banned for it)... I instead just lewded them for the sake of lewding them and seeing if I could develop them to a point where I could make animations with them.

That never happened, life got busy and my Genshin lewds got left behind. But now that I have a Patreon related to this stuff, I figured I'd share some of the stuff (there's quite a lot of it actually) I made back then, starting with a classier Jean spread ass.

These renders are actually quite special - and perhaps unique to the internet! They're animated turn arounds without backgrounds... and what makes them special is that you can open them up on your desktop and have them just exist as an overlay on top of other programs (if you so want), or as part of (over) your desktop background.

This can be done by downloading the program called ImageEye


It's an excellent fast image viewing program for those that haven't heard of it.

Operation is pretty easy - pg up/dwn for prev/next images. 

Double click to full screen.

Relevant to these animated PNGs: Ctrl+F to freeze the picture and prevent left mouse interaction with it - it also stops the pic from flickering when your mouse is over it. (Right click and uncheck freeze to unfreeze).

And U for Up (above other programs) - if you want to keep her spinning on your screen constantly.

Anyway, let me know if you enjoy this kind of content and want to see more of it. I've got plenty more to post (much of it not related to Genshin tho), so long as you're all interested.




well this is interesting. more of this will be a welcome sight


Would like to see more of it. ^_^ Also are there other places/websites I can find stuff like this?


Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me that I have a treasure trove of this content to post too :D I'm not sure where to find content like this... in fact, I haven't seen it from anyone else, due to the specialized requirements for using it - but at least I have prepared a reasonable amount of it already! :D


Sweet! You could definitely showcase some publicly to get even more people on board. Reminds me of RainMeter, Wallpaper engine, and other older customizable stuff/widgets for the desktop. BRING BACK THE WIDGETS.