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Been working hard today on Ayaka! She's coming along well, textures to do, but also some weights to fix/perfect. And I'll have to flip the gear from left to right! D:

Racing against the clock, should have her done by banner launch. Hopefully I can get Shenhe out shortly thereafter!

Also I've been preparing a lot of Yelan requests, but I'll need an extra day or two to put it all together.

*edit* I got the transparency working!




Woo! Can’t wait to test this out with 3dmigoto 7.0 when it comes out


Any plans to change the samurai hair clip to something more summer? Seen alot of cute and good mods for Ayaka but always with that standard hair clip.


Is there going to be a possible "no showing areola" more sfw version? Also great job with the mod! Looks really good


Hey Lewdlad, how easy would it be to make variants without the sleeves and more summery hair? Also, how’s progress on the crotch tattoo (kamisato symbol?)


No sleeves easy - but not sure what 'summery hair' means? the womb tattoo is definetly gonna happen.


Yeah, I'll be editing the textures to reduce the areola size. That's more just an unintended effect of increasing her breast size.


Got any good suggestions (visual examples best if possible)? It's part of the concept art, so I simply followed it.


Gotcha gotcha. Would a version with not as "buffed" booba also be easy? I do like me some bags o joy but too much of a good thing can be too much of a good thing as they say ahaha. Thanks either way for your work!


Unfortunately I don't have any idea, since it is concept art it's by design


Can you make a skirt like yelan?That kind of skirt is transparent!😂


well is looking really good so far i will see if i can test her out and see if i can give some feedback


She'll be released in a few days, no time to test, just go, go, go! (for me that is)

Tomas May

This is art


This is truly a masterpiece of our time. Mihoyo wishes it can make something like this. Amazing work as always madude. Seeing this and Shenhe makes me so glad that I am subscribe as a patreon of yours.


I'm not fond of Ayaka but this is impressive 👍

Tomas May

aaaaaaaaaaa idk who to pull, ayaka or shenhe!!!


oh my goodness gracious this man COOKED, god damn

