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So as some of you know, I've been hanging out over on AGMG voice channels frequently, just chatting with the crew over there, teaching them modelling and modding skills, and just in general been a respectable member of the community ;)

As a result, I've met some great people and made some great friends. One of them - A fantastically talented fellow that goes by 0101100101, or 'Binary' as we call him, wanted to thank me in kind for my time, teachings and resources, so much so that they offered up one of the mods that they'd be working on as an early access for this Patreon!

They've been working on a really excellent mod for Kirara - a transplant of Ms Fortune (from the game Skull Girls); a Cool Zombie Cat Girl, who has detachable body parts (including a detachable head that she uses as a projectile). While it doesn't work like that here, it's still an awesome accomplishment.

Model was provided by Peixoto21 under creative commons attribution license (basically free to use for any purpose as long as credit provided, as well as notes of modifications - it was made into a mod!) https://twitter.com/peixoto21v and https://peixoto21.carrd.co/ for more details about this fine gentleman!

Anyway, Binary made this a pretty comprehensive and awesome mod - multiple levels of toggles across a couple of body types - the regular smooth skin version and the zombie type that better matches Miss Fortune. The body was borrowed in part from my creative commons attributions base body that I've provided the community, and then kitbashed with the clothing and zombie parts from Peixoto21 as well as Kirara's hands/claws from Genshin!

It also has the expected toggles - accessories, pants, tops, etc! It's really comprehensive... but the best part is the way you toggle the mod!

Normally you just cycle through with a key press... but here, you have a little graphical user interface showing you the various options that can be activated when you go into the Character menu! Awesome!

Link to Download Post Here 

Enjoy, and leave comments for Binary and I'll send to him! Thanks all!




Skullgirls x Genshin? Never thought I'd even the day my secondary Ms Fortune in the game XD. Good shit guys, geez detailed as fuck.


Do you use the original hair style?