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Ahoy! Hope you're all having a fine day!

More of Lewd Miko as promised - this time she's no longer wearing panties, and toggles between standard Miko, side booba out miko, and cleavage out Miko! There's also a special bonus vision insertion version - the best it's ever looked tbh! You get the nice glow of the vision, but see all the way to the other side as well.

*chef's kiss*

I gotta do this to more of the girls TBH!

Link to Download Post Here 




'I gotta do this to more of the girls' - yes please, we need to ban panties in Teyvat!


Hmmm. I'll have to supply a set of pube textures for pube lovers once I put out the first set of variants (based off the current body).


Yes! I really like how you reduce the lines between the thigh and butt, which looks much more natural now when the character flies.
