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So I've done the concept turn around for the Bikini Knight version of Jean... will be working on her model throughout the next day/two, hopefully get it into a usable WIP state in a few days. Let me know what you think!

Good suggestions might still make it into the design!

This is her canon in game proportions - although I'll probably increase the boob size a bit for her main release.

Otherwise, let me know in the comments what kind of variants you guys would like to see - helps me plan ahead (of course not all of it can be done, but some can!)

Update: Modelling in progress shots posted up!




amazing model!maybe change the style and color of the hairband, make it Looks more compatible with armor?


Ngl I personally always prefer canon size for everything. Very rarely have I thought bigger proportions made things better. So I'd appreciate either not increasing it THAT much, or keeping another version in canon proportions. Otherwise, , I absolutely LOVE the idea of bikini knights. Definitely need a version with exposed lewd parts but with hard armors still present.


Yeah of course! I'll be modelling her in canon size then adjust proportions after! And of course... hard armor lends itself to a transition to spreading/gaping tool very well! :D


well i don't mind the canon proportions at all but bigger boobs is never a problem tho XD (well for me if it is like super massive big then i don't like it that way XD ) also will she not be blond? i think it would look great if she had the blond hair tho but hey looking really good im really looking forward to this one ;) <3


She'll be blonde! My blender to genshin shader is just a bit wonky on her hair


Is that the upgraded Shinya skin texture ; )


time to build jean

杰 秦

I like this!but can you make ayaka skin?I’m willing to pay more money to sponsor