Server/Patreon Survey (Patreon)
2023-07-25 05:13:02
First of all; Our goal is to have a better social media presence.In the past weeks we have been dealing with the Twitter and even YouTube (shadow)bans. We have decided to also post SFW variants on (different) social media platforms from now on. We have a lot of social media platforms on our eyes but we have very likely missed something hence our question; What platform do YOU go to everyday? Where do you see a lot of Genshin Impact content appear? What platform do you think we could use to promote our work more effectively?
Secondly; We'd like to make this server a more fun place! Throw your suggestions!This probably goes for a lot of us (and especially me) but this server is already such a fun and cozy place to come to every day. Especially the time spent in voice chats is so relaxing and SO much fun; I'm encouraging you guys to join us even if you don't feel like unmuting - we read the chat! <3 Anyways; We would love to plan more server activities. Movie nights, game nights, you name it!Our only enemy are the timezones. I think it's smart to settle for Fridays and / or Weekends. What day and time are you guys free to do something fun? Please include your timezone! We already plan on adding a bunch of roles and some new bots but feel free to drop your suggestions regardless!
Lastly; Do you have any suggestions regarding Patreon content in general?Is there something you would like to see more? Is there something you are desperately missing? Here's your chance to complain! >:D
TLDR: We're running a server survey. Your feedback will be a HUGE help 💗
Survey Link