Next 4 Star Character (Patreon)
Ahoy peeps! Thanks to the survey responses over the last few days! I'll be providing a summary of what we found, but one of the things that did stand out was the desire for more 4* characters.
Also, I need to make more polls!
So, let me know where I should point the prow of my mod making ship next!
I've got some ideas in mind for some 4 Stars already.
Specifically with Beidou, I want to do Red Sonja over her. Chain mail bikini armor with a strong body (similar to Dehya)!
I also have an idea for Ning Guang - take one of her Hoyo official art costumes (pizza hut outfit/orchestra outfit) and turn it into a real thing, but with lewd toggles of course!
On the other hand, you all might have other ideas! Let me know in the polls and comments!
Kuki Shinobu already has a mod in development with boosted - I'll be excited to show that off when it gets further along!
I'll also be collabing with another modder for Rosaria, so more of her to come!