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With help and collab from Leo's mods for the ini programming - Body Paint Mona finds her true form!


Poor Mona, so destitute that she now has to resort to body paints, is also finding that she's unable to afford the higher quality stuff - it used to be she could last a whole day before the paint started peeling and flaking... now she has to magically conjure illusory body paint! This illusory paint is water soluble however, meaning every time she makes a dash, some of it washes away!

Luckily, Mona has an answer for that too; she has the ability to distract her opponents, make a quick trip to the astral dimension to reapply the paint, before zipping backwards to show it off! Truly a marvelous mind and body at work!

Perhaps a lesser mind would've conjured mere illusory threads that didn't wash away instead...


The body paint series reaches it's climax with wash away Mona - it's complete in the form I had envisioned it, interactive and playable! It's a bit hacky to be fair - the paint washes away based on button inputs rather than actually what happens in the game... but works well enough after some careful tweaking.

Holding sprint will cause Mona to wash away 10% of her body paint on reappearance!

While holding (not tapping) her E will cause her to teleport backwards with a fresh new coat of paint!

Also, the ini has been written to suit my control scheme, which has sprint on left shift rather than right click!

It's easy enough to edit the ini to suit your own control scheme.

For example the default control scheme would look like this in the ini



key = E

delay = 200

condition = $isCombat == 1 && $active == 1 && time - $lastHeal > $healCoolDown

type = hold




condition = $isCombat == 1 && $active == 1

type = hold

$change = 1


Just substitute your desired key combos... KeyEHold is for body paint refresh and KeyRightC is to wash away some of the paint!

Use the Microsoft Windows Keycodes to determine the required keycodes for irregular keys  (although you might need to remove the VK_ part of the keycode for it to work here).

If you wanna use a controller try these keycodes (I haven't checked first hand, but they seem to be copied from the 3DM ini files)

; Keys can also be from XBox controllers using:
; By default all attached controllers are used - to associate a binding with a
; specific controller add the controller number 1-4 to the prefix, like
; XB2_LEFT_TRIGGER, though this may be more useful for hunting than playing.

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Download Link: https://mega.nz/file/FgYAyThT#LUh8zw7AOThLqpU2fM7ZfxNm-u4uw5mCmIOg5iMr5mw


This perfection. Nothing more nothing less.


Damn i wish u did this for ayaka too frfr. But this. This makes me happy enough. Worth every penny.


this is a perfect idea


Very innovative! :smuglaugh:


any guide for gamepad user?

Lewd_Lad (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-06 17:29:52 Oof... I'll ask around to see if there's a solution here and get back to you!
2023-08-06 17:23:56 Oof... I'll ask around to see if there's a solution here and get back to you! Got a reply from a friend: ; Keys can also be from XBox controllers using: ; XB_LEFT_TRIGGER, XB_RIGHT_TRIGGER, ; XB_LEFT_SHOULDER, XB_RIGHT_SHOULDER, ; XB_LEFT_THUMB, XB_RIGHT_THUMB, ; XB_DPAD_UP, XB_DPAD_DOWN, XB_DPAD_LEFT, XB_DPAD_RIGHT, ; XB_A, XB_B, XB_X, XB_Y, XB_START, XB_BACK, XB_GUIDE ; By default all attached controllers are used - to associate a binding with a ; specific controller add the controller number 1-4 to the prefix, like ; XB2_LEFT_TRIGGER, though this may be more useful for hunting than playing.

Oof... I'll ask around to see if there's a solution here and get back to you! Got a reply from a friend: ; Keys can also be from XBox controllers using: ; XB_LEFT_TRIGGER, XB_RIGHT_TRIGGER, ; XB_LEFT_SHOULDER, XB_RIGHT_SHOULDER, ; XB_LEFT_THUMB, XB_RIGHT_THUMB, ; XB_DPAD_UP, XB_DPAD_DOWN, XB_DPAD_LEFT, XB_DPAD_RIGHT, ; XB_A, XB_B, XB_X, XB_Y, XB_START, XB_BACK, XB_GUIDE ; By default all attached controllers are used - to associate a binding with a ; specific controller add the controller number 1-4 to the prefix, like ; XB2_LEFT_TRIGGER, though this may be more useful for hunting than playing.