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Alright, 4.0 coming up soon, and with that a Yelan rerun! Although I've made many mods for her, she's still one of the most popular characters in the game, so I'm sure there's interest for more.

At this point, my main idea for Yelan is... *drum roll* A Kafka port over Yelan.

Yes, this port *already exists*.

And yes, it was done in part by Shinya!

But now is a good time given that Kafka has launched on the Star Rail banner - and since I'm not modding SR right now (until the main tool maker decides to support the game again), I might as well celebrate her launch by putting her over her Genshin twin!

Specifically, I'll be porting then creating multiple layers of clothing to allow for toggles... shirt/jacket/bra/panties/sword/etc.

On the flipside, you all might have even better ideas, so if there's better I'm willing to hear you all out!

For best effect, link to a picture. We're very visual people here.

And if you like a suggestion, like the comment that it's on!

Yelan isn't the only one I'll be working on the 4.0, (I'll be doing something for Lynette too of course), so I'll only be able to do one or two suggestions at best!



Bottomless, remove pants only and keep everything else (referring to that yelan kafka skin)


i was thinking of a remake of the old yelan mods. Make her with the long hair, new body type, changing something else.


booba is overdone with characters like yelan/shenhe/yae. So maybe a mod focused on clothing and aesthetics. with or without booba is fine.


well i don't know how many suggestions we can give but i would like to have this ones as a reality (and of course more variants of the already existing Yelan mods specially of the Golden Chains Bikini if possible ) https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/46/4d/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_user_vzzn2855__sample-464dbf54793f299aadaf752413bb50c1.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/94/c8/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_auraaa__sample-94c81d306cd1bfed35a71a5fb6aa2c4a.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/cb/d1/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_anteiru__sample-cbd1a138f4eacc32261732cb1874e920.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/4d/21/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_tinnies__sample-4d21dc80d5be7fdd83bd0519e49df4d9.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/09/c9/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_bakemonsou__sample-09c9d7f71836cb831766e0818f1fafa3.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/d0/3b/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_pixel_yuxian__sample-d03b5cf3ee3e6d5d67c3f7ebbfdd5cd6.jpg (sorry for too many but she looks so gorgeous with everything XD )


How about since we are going to Fontaine and playing off her dice aesthetic, why don't you do a magician outfit? Maybe like Zatanna from the DC comics> That would be cool.


vzzn2855, tinnies bakemonsou in that order!





Sarin Tngris

https://cdn.donmai.us/original/8b/b7/__yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_fangxiang_cuoluan__8bb737942b5d9250a11cbc8cc210f48c.jpg https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/9e/be/__yelan_and_yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_vardan__sample-9ebebb9dd852dea1974c64b39184fbe2.jpg

sebastian Schmitt



Nice one. Very much in line with the concept I've worked on, but I like some of the details that's in that pic!