Ayaka and Rosaria Transparency Fixes (Patreon)
With the 4.0 Updates, a few of the transparencies broke - the game has a tednency to shuffle the match_frist_index numbers around which determine the draw orders.
Anyway, I updated the inis on my side to get them working again. Copy and paste them into their relevant folders (although this is more complicated for toggle mods).
The important thing to note is that the
"draw = 48121,0" line... determines the vertex count of the mod - essentially 3DM allocates that much memory for the mod, and if the mod has more verts than is allocated, the unallocated verts will into the middle of the character.
You can either change that to something like
draw = 99999,0
Which might lead to unintended consequences... or find the correct draw numbers in the existing ini and copy them to the inis I've provided below.
The Rosaria ini is for her CN costume version (the one that shows up in cutscenes).