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Ahoy! Zhong Li banner is out now - I hope all you Zhong Li wanters are now havers - the Geo Daddy returns with drip with this release.

Basically I just wanted a more formal nice looking version of his existing outfit... and funnily enough, his original outfit is already a fantastic basis, so I decided to use a lot of it for this mod - recolored it to something fancier and classier looking, and less workmanlike, while modernizing it with more recognizable dress elements. There'll be a number of variants for it - I'm still working on the textures with Annplan who this is a collaboration with - it's already coming along really well and I'm looking forward to releasing the full thing for you all.

Also need to do a bad ass tattoo on the bare skin version of Zhong Li - so that you'll find it hard to choose between having clothes on and off! :P

Anyway, enjoy the WIP version of this mod in the mean time.

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