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  • Lumine SFW_1.mp4



So, Shinya's currently out of commission - her new PC's watercooler blew up, and she had to carry the big boy PC down 2 flights of stairs. She's got bruises on her arms... it's at the shops now, and they say it'll take a week or two to get it back! She was super efficient about selling her old PC too!

In the mean time, her work carries on! I'm going through revamping old mods with toggles and her body texture (adding additional work to get it to blend and deal with seams and details)... and this one is really gorgeous. Super happy with the new body textures on Lumine... makes her look extra soft and sexy.

The back and armpits especially... <3 Thanks Shinya! And the new pussy... *phew*

Anyway, today we have a new Lumine insertion mod - it toggles from SFWish with skirt and panties to exposed with skirt, exposed with short skirt, and short skirt with what I'm calling... Reverse Futa Dildo Insertion! The pussy is also blushing brightly as it should when you stimulate it that much!

I was inspired by some porn I was watching the other day - a very talented lady taking a very sizeable dildo and jamming it balls end first, then proceeding to flop it around - knew I had to turn that into a mod the  moment I saw it!

It's both horny and confusing at the same time, so a great state to be in!

Lumine 2.0 + Reverse Futa Dildo Insertion Toggle (Link to Download Post)



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