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Good day Patreons! Got a new requested variant incoming - today we've got Summer Bikini Ayaka - requested with a nude torso and vaginal and anal vision insertions, and a bigger pair of tits - so that's exactly what you're all getting.

Ayaka has chosen a special vision insert for her front hole - a dragon's claw with the vision orb mounted - like other cryo vision orbs, you can see the transparent effect, and into the details of her vagina and anus!

It is indeed a very horny mod, but one that only really shows it off at the right camera angles! :P

Ayaka Summer Bikini Requested Variant - Cryo Vag + Anal Insertions (Link to Download Post)



Echo Tracker

It looks like she has teeth down there....


Very excellent variant, this is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. The only issue is that the transparency of the insert may be a problem, I can't see the details of vagina and anus inside it like Yae miko .


oh no, the only waifu i havent got yet D: But still nice variant c:


Masterpiece!But But her breasts clip through during certain actions. For instance, during idle animations, her hand and fan would clip through her breasts. Will you fix this?


Bless You lewdlad, bless You!!!! Subaraashiiiii


there's nothing to fix unfortunately. It's either have bigger tits, or less clipping. this was requested, so... it is what it is!