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Ahoy Patreons! HuTao is about to exit the banner rerun again, but we've still got so much more content for her!

Today, I have the ultimate toggle mod for her - There are 98 variants in this pack, weighing in at a whopping 700Mb! And that's with a single set of textures. The rest is just variations of meshes.


Anyway, this is a special pack with a few cool features!

As with other multi-toggle packs, it can toggle on and off parts independently of others. In this case we have the hat, the coat, her top (shirt/bra) and her pants/bottoms. 4 lots of independent toggles so you can switch her into the state you most desire!

It also has a SFW/NSFW switch - if you like the mod pack but need it to be SFW from time to time (i.e. friends and family around?) you can activate the switch to ensure that nipples and pussy/butthole aren't exposed!

My favourite feature is the E-skill burn off! Flames erupt around HuTao, and her clothes disappear! For the duration of her e-skill, she dashes around either in the nude, or in the SFW version, with her bra and panties!

Finally, she's sporting her new body textures, and I've also spent a lot of time ensuring that shadows are in place between all the different toggles, so hope you enjoy that detail too!


  • Press '0' to Toggle between NSFW and SFW
  • Press '6' to Toggle Hat.
  • Press 'Y' to Toggle Jacket.
  • Press 'H' to Toggle Top.
  • Press 'N' to Toggle Bottoms.

(Hint: These are in a vertical column on your keyboard)

Use E Skill to burn off her clothing - lasts 9 seconds (approximately the length of her skill)

During Burn Off Mode, appears nude in NSFW state. Appears in bra/panties in SFW state.

HuTao OG Costume Mega Toggle with Burn Off! (Link to Download Post)




i had no idea this was possible 💀 hard release though now we got everything in one


Currently using this mod. Have to say this is the best body texture to date the new lumine right behind it.


Yo this is crazy. I wish I had the time and patience you have to create this.


That's great! We need a thicc version


good mod. Could fix the line at the mandible and neck?


Subarashiiiiii!! Bless You lewd lad bless You!!!!


Woooooooooooooooo Blesssssssssssssssss!


LL, can we make the "0" toggle a thing from now on? I think it's a great idea!


o_o *dies* The literal only thing that would make this the perfect mod is the same little tuft of pubes you have for her original textured model. If I could get that (or figure out how to move it from one model to the other) I would probably never play any other character but Hu Tao again. Bravo!


OMG DUDE!!!!!! Thank you so much for your hard work!!!!! <3 i will make sure to really enjoy this!! <3


I'll put that as a variant texture for the next hutao release (copy and paste over)


Man your body textures are just a tier above everything else. And the skill toggle mechanic on this one is amazing. Makes me wish i can use it on some other Hu Tao skins.

