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Hey all!

Was doing the collections the other day, and realized I needed to release a few more Noelle Bikini Armor mods! So here's one for today. This won't be the last in the series - I think I want to have a more complete pack that includes her OG gear for her penultimate mega toggle - but even before we get there, we'll need some body variations of these ones.

For now, please enjoy the muscle body toggle - where she gets stripped from Bikini Armor to buff nude torso Noelle!

Normal body Noelle to come later!


Press H to toggle forwards

Press Alt+H to toggle backwards.

She has 5 variants!

Download Link




Download Link (Copy and Paste): https://mega.nz/file/NlhwDDSQ#6nEvD9XmID68yyO1vWOeI6bM9ZpwS5sjsGOHEDF5AbU




LL, think we could get a hips/thighs version as well? Pretty please? :)

sebastian Schmitt

Like the Toggle options latly. We didnt have a more "thic" version of the Bikini Noelle, till now. I just copyed the "NoelleBodyDifuse" and "NelleBodyLightMap" from the standert Bikini version to the Muskel Version. Love the resulting "thic look" much more then standert or muscel bikini version. Maybe you can upload such version for athers later too?


Man... each time you release a new mod for the ladies, I keep looking at them and thinking something like, "Yup... time to build Noelle." This makes me completely broke in-game. Stellar work, even if you force me to build everyone at once. XD p.s. Obligatory request for pubes variant!


A body similar to Eula's heavy bottom version. XD

el rodo

I'm looking forward to Noelle's normal body. the skin is but still the skin is really beautiful... it was worth subscribing!

Arc Luna

when will normal body with toggle be available