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Hi Shinies! Enjoying your Sunday? <3

Bigger Pics:

There's... just a week left before Halloween! And Halloween means wonderful costumes - I would NEVER miss the opportunity to make a poll for the Shiny Family! >:3

Halloween costumes can be more than just spooky outfits, which is why I went a little extra looking up more than just Witchy Costumes! Halloween is a great opportunity to dress up as someone else, which hopefully explains the last outfit options, they're not spooky but definitely fit the Halloween Party vibe ^ - ^

Also, I know a lot of you are dying to see more 4-star Mods, which is why I made sure to squeeze them in here <3

Before you vote:

1) These are very raw ideas, the colors and design will very likely change depending on the character

2) There might be additional polls to choose the winning character

3) In case a 5-star rarity character wins the poll, I will make sure to select a runner-up that is a 4-star!

TLDR: Vote for whichever idea you like the most, and don't worry about the character's rarity, one 4-star is guaranteed to get a Mod from me this month!



I look at the outfits and like, hand on a second. I recognise them. Shinya being an member of the Idol Hell society makes me super happy


Though I don't own Yelan own Eula I still love the scarlet Empress design


omg i love democracy!! (and catgirls, please vote spooky pumpkin neko!!!)


If you are a love live fan, you would know how the Sweet Devil outfit look. I rest my case


wish there was more mods for xiangling

芽衣 Mei - www.Satsuki-Mei.info (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-29 05:57:42 me too, soon, i promise!
2023-10-29 05:57:42 me too, soon, i promise!
2023-10-29 05:57:42 me too, soon, i promise!
2023-10-24 10:08:51 me too, soon, i promise!

me too, soon, i promise!