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Ahoy Patreons, hope you're having a great Saturday!

Fulfilling a Patron request today between Furina mods, here's one where Yelan has Lynette's nude harness outfit, but without the extra gloves/boots/pauldrons. I took a bit of time to customize the cat logo too, turning it into a bunny logo - pretty happy with that touch! ;)

The requester has also asked for pubic hair - which means this is the actual release of the new shiny muscle skin texture WITH pubic hair. If you want the skin for the Bad Bitch toggle mod, just download it from here and copy it over to the BB folder (YelanModf0001) files as before!

I think this might be my favourite Yelan to date... or at the very least, one I'll be using until the next time I have to make a mod for her! :D

Also this is a toggle mod... the requester wanted all the hair variants for this, so they're in there. Press 'H' to toggle!

Yelan Tactical Bunny Mod Request (Link to Download Post)




My new main for yelan thanks!!!!