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Heya Patreons :D

Got a continuing extension on the Furina series - her swimwear!

I'll add this into the bigger overall series, but today's release is just a small toggle x auto toggle for her swimwear.

She has the light and dark auto toggle, but also the swimming auto toggle - allowing her to go between land and sea easily (she wears heels and accessories on the land).

Also you can manually force her into sea mode on land (no shoes/accessories) by pressing 'H' as usual


Furina Swimwear Toggle x AutoToggle (Link to Download Post)




Perfect! But she will stand on tiptoes when not wearing shoes.


Yes... that's so her swim animation looks good... and also so her walk animation doesn't look terrible :P Actually I can't change the animation bones for these characters - so if I move the ankle down, it'll just make her leg broken as she moves around. I can mitigate that to some degree, but it's still not great. Tippy toes IMO is the best compromise. It's plausible, just not... so much fun for the girl. hahaha


nice! <3


i love the light mode swimsuit, possible for the dark mode to have the same swimsuit???

Jef Huston

How can I put the buffer values to make it works with the autotoggle?

峻洋 吳

Sorry, I would like to ask. I have installed this in the mod, but it still does not change automatically when swimming. What should I do?

峻洋 吳

By the way, I really like this mod, support it greatly, please continue to update, thank you