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Happy Holidays! Hope you've all had a great Christmas Day wherever you are! In Australia (and commonwealth countries), it's followed up by Boxing day!

Today, we unbox Gundam Ayaka! She's received her presents from her Beloved Traveller, bringing presents from the other world, of Gunpla. Capturing her imagination, she's personally created this cosplay to show off her love of Gundam and Gunpla!

Top Tier Gundam Waifu!

Design Inspired by RX-Hua from Porn x Acy Studio

With this mod, I've gotten help from a new Lewd Modding Team member - I've been looking for new talent to help me produce mods at a faster rate so that I can also expand to other games - so that we can all enjoy Lewd goodness whatever game we choose to play! :D

I think he's done fantastically, but will be trialing a couple of other potential hires... but if we can hold them all, it means we get more mods! :D


  • Comes with Beam Saber Mist Splitter
  • Drop them into your Ayaka folder... and remove/disable them both if you want your mistsplitter to go back to normal when you stop using Gundam Ayaka.

Ayaka RX-Hua Gundam Cosplay + Beam Saber Mistsplitter Release (Link to Download Post)




Cool Gundam Ayaka!


hell yeah amazing, toggles when?

Kelzok Kelzok

I love this mod. The attention to detail the decal on the bikini. The booster looks like a bow but its not. Now I just wish she could launch.