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We got the next stage of the Ayaka Gundam cosplay mod today! Big thanks to Shinya for the lovely screenshots.

This time her t-shirt is hiked up as per the original figure artwork/design and some of the clipping issues I didn't see before have been fixed. I know Navia has stolen all the attention this banner, but I've still got a big thing for Ayaka - and Gundam Ayaka is her best mode!

This mod has a small toggle - press H to toggle on/off the panties! I believe the off version is a closer match for the artwork if you want to be a purist about it! :D

If you're after the Beam Saber Mistsplitter, refer to the original download post 

 Download Here 



Zoe Palavin

not sure if im doing something wrong but it dosent seem to like 4.0 the character is a garbled mess of mesh and textures


It absolutely will not like 4.0... as it's a 4.3 and above character. Basically, 4.3 update broke compatibility of mods, and now all mods going forwards are only compatible for 4.3+ (until whenever the next great hash break is). Solution: Find older mods of Ayaka and use the hashes of her IBs in the ini on this mod. We don't even have a tool to reverse the hashes... it only goes forwards.