It's been a while since our last 4 Star Character Poll, and I used it to make quite a few 4 star characters TBH! But since then, we've got a bunch of new 4 stars, and... the top rated 4 stars have seen mods of their own (sorry about Layla... that one is still been slowly worked on by a talented community member)... so I figured it'd be a good time to refresh my understanding of the kind of 4 Star Characters you'd like to see, when I have the time and ability to put them together!
These polls help to serve as a preference guide for you guys - but as with all things, I'll pick and choose based on topical relevancy as well - who's on the Character Banners, who's got story content and who's getting custom outfits, etc.
As with the last one, I'll probably use it for a few months/banners to determine what sort of content to make, so make it count!
I've also marked the poll to let you know what characters I've worked on before with a '[LL]'
Also, let me know what sort of stuff you'd like on these 4 Star characters - Original Game Outfits, Bunny Suits, Reverse Bunny Suits, Maid Costumes, Costume Ports, Costume Ports from Previous 5-Star Characters, Bikini Armor, etc.
Genshin 4 Star (and Standard 5-Star) Outfit Poll