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"Hey all,

As you probably have noticed, my upload frequency has been quite irregular and decreasing considerably. Modding is not my fulltime job, and I have a university study and other private matters that sometimes require more of my attention. Because of this irregularity and low output, Lewdlad and I have decided to terminate our collaboration, since I don't provide enough additional content for it to be worth it to anyone.

But don't worry! I will continue making content, however it will shift to my personal patreon account. This means I will be in more direct control, and it will be my own responsibility to keep up the account. The base tier will still cost the same, and the content on it will be very similar to the current tier. You can find the new tier at www.patreon.com/Murren.

Going forwards Murren's Men tier on Lewdlads patreon will be locked. For the next couple months, my content will be pushed to both Murren's Mens Tier, Lewd All Access and my own personal Patreon, so everyone has the time to unsubscribe from this tier or change their subscription to a different one, and if desired, subscribe to my personal account's tier.

I want to thank all of you for your support in the past few months. It's been an incredibly good time working with Lewdlad and the team, and I learned a lot of stuff, it's just time for us to seperate. I'll see you guys around, either on discord, youtube, gamebanana or perhaps my patreon.

Cheers, Murren."

Lewd Lad:
Thanks Murren for all the great work you've done on these mods. You're always welcome to stick around and hang out with the rest of the team as we've done, but at the same time, life tends to take us on a winding journey, many of the things we end up seeing and doing aren't necessarily the things we set out to do and see!

This would seem to be one of those cases; and I totally respect that you need to focus on your studies and eventually your career! So best of luck in that regard, as with the modding and gaming. I hope your passion for it renews and grows stronger with time!


Regarding Lewd All Access:

Originally, this tier was intended to be the combined content output from myself, Satsuki Mei and Murren, giving Patreons all of the content being generated by our entire team! While that is still the case, as you can tell with Murren's leave, this will change what sort of content is produced for it going forwards.

For the next couple months at least, we'll still host Murren's content during the transition period. For my part, I've had a couple thoughts about what to do with this tier - in my view it can still very much hold the place of providing additional content beyond what I can personally create.

The first option would be to start working on my plans of creating standalone animations with the help of one of the Lewd Modding team members - this would be focused on lewd Genshin (and other games that we mod) character animations.

The second option would be to use this tier as a sort of invitational collobration tier - where I use the extra money that this tier generates to invite and commission and produce unique commissions from various modders in the community. In that sense, I've already produced some extra content, and I'll be hosting it on this tier during the transition period.

The third option would be something similar to the second tier, but instead of myself directing the production, it'd be inviting tier subscribers to offer up bounties to get various crowd sourced ideas commissioned and made, while I act as the producer to ensure that a high quality bar is met.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! And I appreciate all of you for reading to this point!



thanks for your hard work and effort and don't worry it's ok i wish you the best on your life and on your Patreon Murren ;)