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The mod consist of Shenhe, Mona, Mona hands on ass version, Fischl and Raiden Shogun.

Press T or R to switch costume.

Key in comment section

I don't know if this works well. It works well for me atleast. I just attempted to remove Nahida but I barely still understand the ini file works so it might show some errors.

The fanbox version does have Nahida.

Mod fixed for the genshin version 4.3 update


93.39 MB file on MEGA


tedom10 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-22 10:22:06 If it shows some kind of error or green stuffs error. Do let me know.
2023-06-22 03:23:38 gnUbxdTTdHgUIUXpIuIcnKJ_LZyCtgBx5O6hKqiXTkg
