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Well heres the final sketches!
Guess I can now move onto the lineart :D.

Would love to hear all your feedback and input on this (and everything in total); Doing this does make me interested in doing more comics!




Good work on the draft they look stunning. Excited to see what you would do for another doujin. Will you be thinking of doing any additional pages of the doujin?


Thank you John! :D I was considering adding one additional page before the final page, I may do that depending on how things go. Did you have an idea of anything you'd like to see added?

The Ultimate Boop

I hope we get a secret ending page where she rules Hueco Mundo again. She absorbs all the spirit energy in the semen and breaks free. Then she's such a good lay that they all swear fealty to her.


That's a very interesting idea tbh. I'll consider something like this :D