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As you can see from the post image the gauss rifle is coming along well. I'm now looking over the in game model in detail to capture all the features that the game mesh does not. Most of the screws used are quite easy to size correctly but sum will have to be sized up otherwise they will just be impractical to source as they are tiny. I have started to modelling the upgrades like the coils on the side and have found the l compensator which I will model and hopefully be able to mount onto its in game mounting point and it not put too much stress on the front components. For the coils my plan would be to have a coil shape you could just do a single wrapping of wire around them to give the appearance of a wrapped coil but not use a load of wire.




Awesome work man👌 that'll look nice in my collection 😀


no words for how excited I am for this. it's gonna be my biggest build yet, omg

David Ashby

This is just amazing. You work so incredibly quick

Well Armed Ogre

Try to keave some space for batteries, might be able to use elwire for a blue effect around the coils


Will you be doing the shroud/cover part as well?


In terms of function, will the ammo cartridge be swap-able? Will it having moving parts and seen in the reload animation? Are you also doing the various different muzzles and stocks? It's look great either way, I'm looking forward to this.