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After E3's EA play gameplay of Fallen Order I really wanted to model the new BD-1 (buddy) so spent saturday night and early into sunday morning completing the model with some time over the last couple of day to fine tune it. 

The exploded view above show the breakdown of the model and the empty space in the head and main body can be used for any electronics you want to put in it. The rear of the head also has through holes for the LED matrix in the back of its head. I have also created a quick blueprint drawing which is in the some folder as the files.

Attached are the files for the STL's and the blueprint, the files for the CAD models are in the dropbox folder.



David Nicolas

This looks awesome m8, I like the blueprint a lot, kudos!

Habiteer Workshop

very nice job sir, think it's time to upgrade my tier :D

David Nicolas

How did you print the main body? How did you orientated it?

David Nicolas

What slicer do you use?

David Nicolas

Is this model available on any other platform? I know some droid builders that would love to build this little guy.


I will do soon but obviously want to keep it exclusive to you guys for a bit. I'm part of the BD-1 builder club on FB an loads of guys do want it.

M.A. Ldlvs

Hi!! is this model 1:1 or i need to scale? :P thankz


Yes this model is 1:1, Its approximaitly 400mm tall to the too of the head.

M.A. Ldlvs

Hey! Do you have the back of the head with the holes separated? I need it separately to be able to place LEDs :P Thankz for your work.

David Morley

Thanks for your work on this. Curious why you chose to shrink his feet so much? They feel out of scale.