Doom Super Shotgun and other updates. (Patreon)
Even though I am still progressing with the T60 build, which is starting to be a bit of a pain working with so many surfaces, I am still progress with other stuff on the side as I find it quite boring to just to stick to one project. This has been my current lunch break project, the Doom Super Shotgun. I have wanted to do this for some time and I haven't done it till now as trying to get reference shots for it is quite difficult even in game. But I managed to work out though many hours of searching and using different programs to get the meshs out of the game. So I managed to extract the game mesh for it which has helped immensely which doing the model to get it right as some sections I guarantee I would have modeled differently. And if the tool works as expected then I should be able to do the same for doom eternal, and by extension, the new super shotgun.
T60 shoulder almost complete
As for other models and my builds, I haven't spent more time finishing my own props as I current have a small heap of printed parts needing to be started so I needed to spend some time getting those down otherwise I will never be able to catch up with the rate at which I churn them out. Some of my recent builds below.
Bioshock Infinite Shotgun Warhammer Space Marine Bolter
I have recently updated a few models as well which as the ones I was currently prepping, the Bioshock Plasmid bottle I realised was way to small so I've upscaled it. The opposite was true for the Judge Dredd lawgiver, that has been scaled down. I have done a few more minor mods due to desnagging models but cannot remember which ones. Either way, the new files have been uploaded to dropbox.
I was making progress on the Pit Droid till I have a power cut in my house which corrupted two of the files I was working on so I've only recently got back to where I was unfortunately.
Pit Droid
As its been some time since I've posted it, here is the Dropbox link to the STL's as I know its sometimes easier to just view all of the files rather than going through the previous posts.