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The stargate staff weapon is complete and I've included all non printable parts needed in the notes. I have specified the use of a 16mm OD by 1mm wall steel tube as this give the item really good strength to weight over the length of this thing which will make it a really good useable prop. It does involve cutting into the pipe to make an opening for the trigger which was the only way of keeping the stiffeness of the staff and not have a siginificant weak point by having two seperate lengths of pipe.



Justin Kim

For anyone who's wondering, a 16mm tube is about 5/8" in barbarian units. I've found suitable tubes (but a bit thicker than specified) at Home Depot.

Elle Heilig

This is a dumb question - is this full size or at a different scale?


Were you able to locate all the materials? I just started printing and would love to know!

Justin Kim

Found this https://www.amazon.com/ft-Welded-Stainless-Steel-Tubing/dp/B08QGS9HC7?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=AHWPRHAU327OZ&th=1 But the walls aren't very thick, so I don't think that it would provide much support for the staff.


The design sheet says 1mm wall tubing. Unless I'm reading that wrong


I found this for the tube on ebay: https://rb.gy/vsegph and this for the rods: https://rb.gy/jnlm7j. Those look correct? I wish there was a way to shorten the M5 rod to exactly 1 meter so I wouldn't have to waste a 2 meter rod for the extra 45mm.