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Still, Torv was given all the impetus he needed from one look in Sophia’s eyes to put aside such potential obstacles, and gingerly clamber those last couple paces hand-over-hand to reach the peak of her loins. The giantess’s clit was already longingly enlarged, making it an even more convenient handhold for him to cradle from both sides for support. Initially Torv held onto her pleasure center as cautiously as he could, like a piece of wet clay pottery still spinning between palms on the wheel. But upon feeling its rounded shape soothingly flex in response to his touch – which reminded him again of just how sturdy every curve of the Guardian’s physiology was in totality, from her mighty terrain-tremoring feet to even the smallest most-delicate extremities – he took a stronger grip, knowing he couldn’t possibly displease her with firmer treatment. Let alone hurt her. Torv bowed, straddling the upper folds of her labial curtains with both legs, and then began to caress her pulsating clit in earnest. Meanwhile Sophia’s lips parted and she sighed heavier than before, leaning into the headboard again, while her free hand took hold of the blankets beside her thigh and dug in tight with all five titanic fingers as if preparing to rappel down a cliff face. By now, she wasn’t quite shocked to discover that achieving great pleasure in numerous understated ways was not only still possible but rather effortless despite her bedmate’s noticeable lack of size or strength in comparison to herself. But she savored this confirmation of it all the same.

Hearing Sophia’s breathy approval far beyond, and even more potently feeling it through the rhythmic contracting and relaxing of her entire bodily ecosystem, gave Torv even better confidence to lustfully knead her clit with both his once-uncertain hands. Naturally, none of his prior bedroom know-how came into play here, what with the scale of the giantess’s anatomy and the vigorous effort now required on his part to extract an optimal reaction. But Torv was learning as quickly as he could, now determined to make Sophia’s major decision worthwhile and also offset the slimmest fraction of unpayable debt that existed between them. Surprisingly for him, even while the motions and pressure necessary to produce pleasure for the Guardian were so utterly novel that they both might as well have been virginal again, the instincts were evidently ingrained in him already. Everything was just falling into place.

The primary difference between now and their last sultry entanglement, in Torv’s perception, ultimately was not his one-time soulmate’s five-hundred-twenty-seven-foot stature. Rather, it was that for the first time ever, he truly didn’t know what to expect next at all while engaged with her in this way, nor did he put any thought into his own responsibility for any future point in their ongoing exchange outside the immediate moment. As far as Torv was concerned, his only duty was to accept whatever she did for him and then give back as ardently as he could. The rest was all for Sophia to determine on both their behalf. Further encouraged by her palpable gratitude for his exploratory effort down here, Torv rubbed faster and harder. He spiraled his fingers and squeezed his palms together, enticing a part of her that he was technically well-familiar with, yet never could’ve touched in this way before. Just as he felt the fleshy button of her clit engorging to full arousal, Torv pressed his lips down against it, first only kissing, and then streaking his tongue in circles counter to the direction his hands were primping.

Accordingly, Sophia let out a longer nearly-singsong exhale, though she wasn’t being performative for him in the least. She still kept her fingers scooped just below where he was perched, not wavering from that protective position just in case the rippling shivers through her hips became too much for Torv to handle without toppling down. However, she did allow herself some complementary strokes with that same hand, grazing her fingertips up and down the dew-dampened petals of her outer biology in a way that only enhanced what he was already doing to her most sensitive area slightly further north. The unfolding realization of how badly she’d needed this – the comfort, the relaxation, the orgiastic pleasure, but the empowering yet humanizing release of the whole encounter most of all – continued to engross Sophia’s senses and drive her forward, all while making sure Torv was kept secure. And of course by now she was far more than capable of accomplishing both those tasks at once: sinking wondrously into the hyper-satisfying storm-sized spiral of her multiplying Guardian-strong elation, while also never losing even a flicker of awareness for the small, lesser, yet still-worthy life of the being who’d entrusted himself to her care for the duration of this salaciously-charged dance. She could have it all. Different than she’d ever dreamt, yes, and a sobering loss when measured by her old desires. But with her newly-enlightened mindset, it was better. In some ways much better.

With that long-sought wisdom now peacefully permeating all layers of Sophia’s consciousness – her view of herself as a person, as the child of humble frontier village blacksmiths, and as a five-hundred-twenty-seven-foot godlike entity – every move and breath that ensued for the pair’s transformative tryst came on as a comfortable kind of second nature to her, much like her finely-honed combat instincts and the determination to preserve every life under her stewardship. The next upward stroke of her fingertips along the hill of her nether folds brought them to a standstill.

Then Sophia’s thumb, hovering over Torv’s back, began to caress his body again in kind, applying just enough pressure and motion to simultaneously aid her own stimulation using the shape of his active hugged-on frame, while also ensuring his own arousal was upkept by the firm yet pliant give of dampened clitoral skin bulged against his entire frontside. He didn’t so much as flinch when she did so, nor did he change up his efforts or pace. If anything, she felt Torv inspired by her thumbpad’s fondling congress into an even greater undulating pleasure-probing fervor. Sophia appreciated this deeply, both in terms of trust and erotic escalation, but this wasn’t their endgame today. One step still awaited. And she had a feeling if they kept up too much longer in this current pattern, neither of them would be able to hold out to the actual finish. Already she could tell from the rate of Torv’s breathing, the sensation of his hardness minutely depressing her flesh, and the feeling of his back pressed into her thumbprint ridges that he was stifling himself, titillated right to the edge, and just resisting a climax. It must’ve seemed more correct to him, too, that Sophia alone dictate the flow of their activities, and most importantly, their respective finales. The Guardian herself was becoming ravenous for the thing she’d been thinking about ever since they arrived back here together, or in fact far longer than that. And she wasn’t about to be deprived of it.

So she took control again, much to Torv’s relaxed libido-quivering acceptance, by drawing the summit curve of her thumb down and away from her clit. The stickily excited moisture frosted in between the rounded gullies of her fingerprint whorls, combined with the encouraging pressure she’d been softly exerting through her thickest digit-pad and into her once-soul partner’s body, could have easily carried him right along with her. But she didn’t take him that way, even knowing full-well that Torv wouldn’t have minded. Instead Sophia only let the leftover adherence from that arousal fluid and cushioned contact upon her skin guide him away from the spot he’d been so effectively tending, stopping short of actual coercion. Torv took the hint, dismounting from the giantess’s clit, and let her thumb shepherd him south backwards on his hands and knees, until his limbs met the upraised balcony of her pithy-rounded fingertips right below where he'd been busying himself. Once he was safely aboard, Sophia self-teasingly grazed halfway down the length of her vibrant slit again, except halted her fingers and their passenger right at the center. There, it took only some slow-motion maneuvering by her middle finger, swabbing back and forth, to gently impose a pathway between the lush edifices of her dewy labial gateway. Sophia pressed deeper, keeping her fingers level and steady enough that Torv wasn’t constricted or knocked aside, as the full oval of her middle fingerprint was inserted gradually into her readied opening.


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