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Looking to the sky, it seemed so little separated me from the heavens now. As though if I only grew a bit bigger, I could reach up and grab handfuls of clouds, maybe even stars. The thought was a bit preposterous, but then again, even an hour ago, I’d have said the same thing about the concept of me growing into a naked colossus, my every delicate step demolishing all life and manmade accomplishment under my weighty sole, cutting new craters into ancient rock easily as wet clay and sending shockwaves to both planetary poles from the moment my toes hit the dirt. Yet here I was, bigger than I imagined any living thing could ever be, and only growing bigger. So, what was any impossibility now in the face of my miracle of a body? I spread my arms overhead, while huge cities continued dwindling lower next to and especially under my constantly swelling bare feet. I couldn’t grab the sky quite yet and bring it crashing down, but I had to be close. Just a little taller, and all would be mine.

My tour of the world continued with no particular direction except where my feet guided me. Eventually I stumbled on a suburb at the edge of the mountain range. While the structures below me were still large enough to be noticed one at a time, which probably wouldn’t last much longer before I outgrew even these specific sensations, I made a point of flexing my toes to a full spread, then proceeded to rake the tips through winding streets of quaint little family homes. Speck-sized cottages were collected into the valley between my digits, but most turned to soot the moment the bulbs of my toes struck them like battering rams. When I arrived in this adorable country town, it took a sweep of my leg to clear the landscape of houses, but by the time I was ready to move on, I didn’t have to do much more than smear my foot to the side to obliterate the leftovers.

Time passed, and I kept right on growing. So too did my arousal expand, almost as fast as my size, and I had to fight the urge to help myself along. Not yet. There was still much to see. In a matter of earth-shaking steps, I’d transported myself somewhere entirely new on the opposite coast. Everywhere on this puny globe seemed within my grasp now, even though it still outsized me, at least for the time being.

As I trekked over new mountains, summiting them all with a stride that now covered multiple miles, I hadn’t fully grasped just how big I’d gotten until I discovered a lovely point of reference. Far below, past the forests and hills, appeared an impressive metropolitan sprawl, the largest city I’d yet encountered, so spacious and populated with hundreds of skyscrapers like silver needles, the place was almost bigger than my foot. Almost. Comparing them next to one another, I could see it wouldn’t take much more of a growth spurt to give me the advantage, but I didn’t think I needed to wait to become any bigger before taking this thoroughly gratifying step. Arms at my sides for balance, I gracefully peeled my sole out of the ravaged terrain and held it aloft above the twinkling span of civilization.

For a moment I let my foot hover over them all, surely eclipsing their night sky view entirely with the flesh of my long sole, and then I gradually lowered to stand on this immaculate urban marvel all at once. Slow as I could move without losing balance, leagues at a time, my sole descended, until I felt the highest lightning rods and skyscraper peaks fracturing against the unstoppable force of my foot’s underside, the sensations so slight they may as well have been insect legs grazing my skin. The rest of it went down just as easily.

Cinderella herself couldn’t have hoped for a more perfect fit; from toe to heel, it was like this city was made for me to smash underfoot, though it wasn’t long before I’d grown too large to use the municipal map like a creek stepping stone, the last vestiges of the suburban outskirts vanishing under my expanding sole. The place crunched uniformly as a fallen leaf, contouring itself to the slope of my arch. I could feel my heel and the ball of my foot burrowing in the deepest craters, but everything under me, from the tallest high-rise to the squattest citizen, was still squashed down from three into two dimensions. The Earth’s bedrock crust even bowed to the force of my growing body now, denting like the cracked surface of a frozen pond. I knelt closer to the ground, witnessing my foot literally outgrowing the remnants of the pitiful city. My instep, heel, and toes seemed to bulldoze right through the muddy refuse of fallen buildings and twisted streets without having to even move a muscle, since my evolving body needed no extra help. Patches of skyscraper districts which once looked like tiny metallic blades of grass now became more like the scant shapes of computer chips relative to my immense scale, the grand architecture too small for me to distinguish with anything other than direct contact.

Relishing every minute sensation, I rolled my foot to and fro, grating the city into a fine particulate mess, thousands of tons of metal and glass from the expansive downtown effectively turned to glitter now that decorated the crevices between my eager, ever-bigger toes. At this point, I received especially potent confirmation of that myth about the semi-erogenous zones in those doughy spaces, while intermingled buildings, cars, and humanity again gushed through the fleshy openings astride my dexterous toes, only to become ensnared when I clamped my digits together again and pressurized them into pulp.

Though I knew it was impossible, I swore then that I could feel thousands of tiny bodies squeezed into the deep ravines of my sole-wrinkles, infinitesimal hands desperately and fruitlessly pushing up against me in pleading hope of mercy, even when a hundred of them banded together wouldn’t have a hope of resisting a single skin cell of my foot’s underbelly. I didn’t even have to try, though I did anyway, loving each instant of the increasing pleasure. What must it be like, I wondered, to stand in the middle of ashes and barren wasteland where once stood a city, to look up and see nothing but spiraling toeprints, oily textures, and a sky-sized tapestry of peachy sole furrows coming down upon you? The thought only spurred me on, and I pressed down harder than ever, igniting the nerve endings in my brain and cataloguing each microscopic poke I felt dotted beneath my arch. I wanted to thank each and every person down there for their part in firing me up, but I decided the godlike echoes of my sighs would have to be enough. Every illusionary tickle of resistance penetrated my foot, and I couldn’t help but quake where I stood, still loudly thundering my joy across the land while almost wailing with animal lust and glowering down at all of those unfortunate, very-useful souls now painted across my foot.

With my head somewhere in the clouds, long after I’d ceased thinking of the tiny world below and only of my next growth spurt, a nuclear power plant was mashed under my pinky toe. I assume that’s what it was, because only something with that much energy could explain the ascent that followed. I didn’t just grow. I skyrocketed. The faster I outgrew the cities, the townships, and even the land and sea themselves, I knew I was getting close now. My body ached for release just as much as it craved growing again.

I didn’t think anything of it when I felt the curve of the Earth deepening against my soles. The cosmos spanned before me, but before I could even consider reaching out to grab them, I had to finish what I’d started. I wrapped my legs all the way around the planet and clutched it to my body to keep it from floating away, my hand on my hip, my pussy grinding softly on this vulnerable little world. The greatest climax of my life was approaching even faster than I was growing, and only just ahead of Earth’s last gasp. When I came, I do believe any life out in the void heard me, too. Certainly the world felt it just before it cracked between my feet and broke into dust, but I’d already forgotten about them.

All that was left now was the pursuit of becoming bigger and bigger, higher and higher, until there was nowhere left for me to grow.




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