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 Ok, I feel much better, so I´m going back to work.

I have a lot of pictures, ideas and old proyects I want to finish. Be patient all people requested me comissions, I am organizing everything and, damn is a lot of work.  xD

Also I´m doing some changes on my style and the way of paint, effects and other things. I created a new grass effect but I am not in all convinced, I´m going to make some changes and tests.

For the next pictures I am preparing pictures for Bambi, a lot of pictures, some are sexys, others are kind of naughty and others as adult, I hope you like it. For Gobo comes some, 2-3 would be about violence, those should be the last for now about his death. For Ronno come some funny pictures with Bambi and others of Faline with Bambi too. And come a picture of Edmund and some of Skippy, and a couple of pictures of Djali, I am consider on make one with Achilles.


Also, I have a question, since I have tons of pictures and some very old and I never finished, what do you think about see pictures only on flat colors? I am doing some experiments but I feel the pictures are incomplete. If you think is a good idea publish pictures on flat colors, should I put a background trying to imitate example Bambi 2, or do not put it?

Give me ideas and suggestions, I have a lot of ideas in my head, but since I am "starting" again to draw.

Anyway, that´s all, give me ideas and suggestions, and if you have ideas for draw characters and those things, let me know.

See you soon.




Those would be $1 dollar tier right? Since they technically aren't finished pictures? Idk what would constitute free but I'll be happy to see all your ideas. I'll give you my opinions. Not many people have responded lately so I fear I'll be the only one on here who will give any advice. I will be happy to see your work (i don't like death tho, but other people appreciate it so they'll give you support for that subject). Let me know if I say too much too. I don't have a hard time with critiquing so if something I say bothers then you can always say so.


Mmm, I don´t consider the point about $1, but sounds like a good idea. I leaved the same journal on my galleries but nobody paid attention. In any case, is a good point you mentioned it.