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  • Gobo animado.mp4



I don´t wanted to share this video, but I did it: is my first and early animation on after effects... yeah!  :v
But is very old, my apologies for it, for those days I haven´t a good computer, so the program messed the objetcs. Maybe now with my new pc...




Wow thats a lot more animation than I initially thought. You did a good job. As for a first (posted) animation its a great start. I wouldn't even know how to do something like this. Seems to have a lot of moving parts so it prolly took a while.


In theory is not hard, imagine you have a paper doll, only you need move it. for the mouth (in that case) is another objet, only I replace one to another. I made this animation many time ago, I think I can make better things now, only I need time... and patient.