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 But you are watching me...




I like the way you're going. It's kinda like you show different age groups every once in a while. Last post was a young Bambi, this one is an older Ronno. I like the more defined musculature for the males. Not sure what other's opinions are tho. Perhaps I should look at your other profiles to answer that question. Don't forget your proportion rules, while you're trying out the new anatomy techniques. Remember that a male body is about 6 to 7 heads tall. Bambi's head might make him about 5 heads tall if you were going with his current head size. I think you've given him more leg than torso in this piece.


Yes indeed, and is a problem with ungulate characters (mostly) because they have tiny or none feet, so looks weird a big torso but nothing of legs, I am consider the option of large legs or a little more big the hooves. Is my fight of all the life when I draw Bambi. :/