Reporting (Patreon)
Hi everybody, how are you? sorry if I am very inactive, right now I am experimenting a new method for paint the characters, looks like the same, but actually not, is getting for me more easy and I am saving a lot of time during the process, and look less... chaotic? because my old method was going per parts, example paint the arm on different layers, well this method keep the idea of different layers, but instead only example paint the arm and then go in parts I am painting all or most of the body, example arm and torso go on the same main layer, then the rest is the same. This is helping me for some parts of the body and looks, well, more defined, example mouth, fingers, even the butt and other parts of the body.
I am very happy with this new effect, I am working so hard, I have already around 20 pictures, but I haven´t time for post the pictures. I hope soon post something, but only be patience, I am working, and I am preparing many cool stuff, and mostly are from my newest sketches.
Pictures I have already done: Bagheera, Badili, some of Bambi , Ronno,and Faline, I am preparing for Gobo, Figaroo the cat, and I hope prepare something for Skippy, Thumper, Djali and maybe some old ideas I never finished, example some wips I posted on inkbunny a time ago.
Anyway, best wishes, see you soon. :3