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Hi people. I come to give you a small bad news. My old computer I used for conect on internet and upload art, textures, everything, well, it dies the last week, I think the hard disk is the problem, and I am worried because there I leaved a lot of information and things like textures, sounds I used for other projects and, my programs for edit videos.

Right now I cannot upload art or any of my other works.  :(

SO please be patience until I can able to fix this issue, and when I have the oportunity I am going to upload double pictures.

For now that´s all, see you soon.



Get a hard-drive reader (also known as a dock) and connect it to a laptop or a new PC. You can get one for about $30 USD. You can pull all of the raw data/files/folders/everything off of the drive as long as it will spin. If your new PC/Laptop can see the "external drive" all of the folders you had should show up. If they don't you can try a program like Drill Disk which is free. If that doesn't work it may be a hardware failure so take it to a professional.


:) Thankfully I am doing a backup and I got another PC, is pretty old but should be perfect for anything until my other PC return. However, I will need config this one with something similar as my other pc, so I will take a while until I recover my space of work and internet conexion.


Exact same thing happened to me as well. T-T


Damn it. :( And saddly I continuing having problems, I don´t know when I will back, but damn it... technology sometimes sucks. :/