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Cheshire and Mune continued walking on the darkness, and they found a wall, and they followed it until they found a door.

"It is open". Cheshire said, "so we are welcome".

They entered and there found a rat. "You are welcome here, but is not by me", replied the rat.

"Who are you?" Asked Mune.

"I am Slade. I was part of a company of heroes." - Said the rat.

"A company of heroes contrated by a kid, but in fact he contrated monsters and vulgars thiefs... a great company". - Cheshire talked with a big smile in his face. However, Slade taked off a tiny rusty knife of one of his old glooves and he started to play with it using his fingers.

"Why are you here? what happened with the company of heroes?" - Interrumped Mune, trying to keep calm down both sides.

"I think being a heroe was not enough as retribution for send the world to the chaos. Become a poweful ninja was only for save the world, help my friends... but was not enough for save myself".

"But your cage is open, you are free". - Mune pointed the door. - "There is not key or lock".

"However, a physical cage is not enough for open the locks of the mind and the soul". - Cheshire replied. - "And for that we need a thief for help us to open more doors".

"What kind of doors?" - Said Slade showing interest.

"Doors should keep closed, but one was not closed with the right lock. I need the find the right key for lock it. You must come with us".

For a moment, there was only silence. Slade was not sure about this quest.

"Did you had a dream?" Mune asked. "I think it´s time for make it come true... at least one more time".

The rat watched carefully the two animals and finally said: "yes, only for last time, I will be a heroe. But I will open the doors, nothing else".

Cheshire nodded in silence and all get out of the room and continued walking on the dark and stretch hallways.



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