Damage count. (Patreon)
Hello, friends and compadres. What's new? Ventura and I are preparing a new story, before continuing with the adventures of Diego, the collector, yes, Billy is coming back, there are plans for a prequel and to find out what happens to her after Diego returns her to the sheikh. But first we are going to have another story that we really like, we will tell you a little more about it later. For now, The Mary Jane Story, the first part is almost over, The Method is not even halfway done, The Longest Night is in the final stretch, but not so close to the end. Damsels is at the point of no return, this week we start a new story with Wonder Woman, is it okay that tomorrow we have the first installment? There is a story with The Scarlet Bitch that I started a while ago and didn't continue but I think all the fans of mind control and hypnosis will like it... Let me know what you think in the comments, those are free and open to everyone.