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Sorry, it's me again. I made six attempts to download image 25. In two different browsers. The same result - 1,12 Mb and empty screen instead image, when the rest four images came without any problem - 6-8 Mb - real original size


My friend, don't worry, thanks for let me know, I upload the image again in an hour, I am out right now.


I did download 21-24 again also. all 4 came as fine! but 25... hmmmmmmmm


25C is corrupted too, it's a pity


Same here, like yesterday. Pics 21-24 are ~8-10MB, pic 25 is only 1MB. But I can open and watch it and it shows the same resolution like the other


yes I can open it too. then I choice function in menu 'save as image' and got 1, 129 168 bt


I'm trying to find now - how you got information for resolution of 25. because I can't see it.


Wow! Eureka! I got a way to get it. Just I press 'copy image' and then I move it to another page of browser, paste it there, then download it. It came as fine! But size is 25, 8 Mb!!! and original resolution 3840x3840


This upload program's trouble longest already four days. But one artist haven't it. Because he creates links under images with file image name. Users press on them 'save file as' and it comes without any problem. So we don't need to open images in the main upload to get them. Probably it could be like solution, without using Mega even.

nico b

for some reasons acdsee showed a blanc page, but paint DID show the image, after saving it in paint acdsee had no problem anymore. interesting!!


I just uploaded also the files, can you check if you can download without problem?


Thanks for the direct download links addition! It worked up like the great Swiss watch. So quick, so easy and as result - all images in original resolution (3840x3840) and comfort pretty size - near 1,8-2,0 MB